Referees at Euro 2008 will have the power to discipline a player for faking injury after a match with the use of video evidence if the original incident went unnoticed.

“Simulations aimed at deceiving the referee will be punished by a yellow card for anti-sporting behaviour,” UEFA emphasised at a seminar for the dozen men in black officiating at Euro 2008.

“Those which aren't picked up by the referee during the game can be sanctioned later by the disciplinary authorities,” European football's governing body added.

UEFA has reminded Euro 2008 referees that “any actions using excessive force, including the illegal use of arms or elbows” must be dealt with by a red card.

“Players must feel secure,” UEFA stressed.

UEFA is also putting the accent on respect from players for any decision taken by a referee.

“Players involved in a collective appeal must realise that the key members of the appeal, including those who run up to join in, wqill be given yellow cards.”

Managers are reminded to behave responsibly and that any over the top criticism of the referee will be dealt with accordingly.

Source: soccernews

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